IT’s Wednesday again.

I am here where are you lol. I can’t believe it has been 2 weeks since I got to see you for maybe 5 mins. I also can’t believe next week is my last week. I updated my resume and got it printed out. I am going to turn in my application and resume to the hospital just in case they maybe decide they like me enough to keep me. Fingers crossed.

All day Wednesday

I can’t believe I only have 3 weeks left of school and then I’m getting booted out. Today we come up with things to update my portfolio but Mrs. Koehn was doing testing today so I didn’t get to update it. Hopefully I’ll get to do it next week. I also printed out some stuff for the 30 day challenge to take home and improve on my picture taking ability. I really wish I would have been able to do the Photography stuff sooner I really would have enjoyed getting to play around more with Photoshop and stuff. I’m really hoping I get the Otha Grimes scholarship because if I do I will get to buy the adobe software stuff so I can continue to do that stuff when I’m done with school. I wish I could afford to get a desktop mac but hopefully when I get a job that will be something I can save up towards.

Monday evening. 02/01/2016

I can’t believe it is February 1st already. geez time could slow down anytime. We went to Salt Plains and took some pics this Saturday it was perfect weather to do it. I am learning I am not so good at taking pics but Bailey is a natural and a camera hog lol. I posted the pics to my Facebook Capri and Michelyn are friends on mine if you wanted to look at them. Or you could friend me lol. IMG_4510 IMG_4539 IMG_4446Here are a few I took.Jacob IMG_4486 IMG_4481 IMG_4447Here are a few Bailey took.