IT’s Wednesday again.

I am here where are you lol. I can’t believe it has been 2 weeks since I got to see you for maybe 5 mins. I also can’t believe next week is my last week. I updated my resume and got it printed out. I am going to turn in my application and resume to the hospital just in case they maybe decide they like me enough to keep me. Fingers crossed.

All day Wednesday

I can’t believe I only have 3 weeks left of school and then I’m getting booted out. Today we come up with things to update my portfolio but Mrs. Koehn was doing testing today so I didn’t get to update it. Hopefully I’ll get to do it next week. I also printed out some stuff for the 30 day challenge to take home and improve on my picture taking ability. I really wish I would have been able to do the Photography stuff sooner I really would have enjoyed getting to play around more with Photoshop and stuff. I’m really hoping I get the Otha Grimes scholarship because if I do I will get to buy the adobe software stuff so I can continue to do that stuff when I’m done with school. I wish I could afford to get a desktop mac but hopefully when I get a job that will be something I can save up towards.

Monday evening. 02/01/2016

I can’t believe it is February 1st already. geez time could slow down anytime. We went to Salt Plains and took some pics this Saturday it was perfect weather to do it. I am learning I am not so good at taking pics but Bailey is a natural and a camera hog lol. I posted the pics to my Facebook Capri and Michelyn are friends on mine if you wanted to look at them. Or you could friend me lol. IMG_4510 IMG_4539 IMG_4446Here are a few I took.Jacob IMG_4486 IMG_4481 IMG_4447Here are a few Bailey took.



I feel like I am constantly on the run. I haven’t had anytime to take anymore pictures but getting to come out here and trying to learn how to take different pictures even though it all sounds Greek to me as far as what aperture and f-whatever numbers means. I have never had anything to do with Photography lol other then just pointing and shooting. Things at the hospital are going good other then a lot of times its boring because I got them all caught up on scanning in all the paper work they needed scanned in. Everything else they do at the hospital you have to have training for. I am able to answer the phones, take payments, and sort the mail and dispute it out to everybody. That is it. See you Wednesday hopefully I will have some pictures taken by then.

Sorry I haven’t blogged in quite awhile.

It is so hard to get here in the evenings but I am so glad to get the chance to come. Here are a few pics I took on Gloss mountains. I am not able to do the 30 day challenge in a row some I am kind of jumping around and getting the ones I can when I can I hope thats all right. Here is day 2  A rule of thirds IMG_4348Day 3 Black and WhiteIMG_4308Then I skipped ahead to Day 9 and got BOKEHIMG_4304I hope this is a good start.

Day 1 of 30 day challenge

This morning I started Day 1 of the photography challenge here is my self portrait. I took it pointing the camera at the mirror in the bathroom. I was actually surprised how this turned out. IMG_4278This afternoon Mrs. Madsen and I both were pulling our hair out trying to figure out how to print the neon green in photoshop. Still didn’t figure it out. Hoping Matt and his wife let me just print their shirts in the green that it is printing but we will find out this evening.


Totally off week

with the high schools having their finals and stuff the schedule is a little slow. I didn’t do much work school wise but I did work on my lessons for my class I am going to be teaching in Church starting on Wednesday evenings. I can’t believe how much my life has changed over the course of a year and a half who knew the shy couldn’t even hold eye contact with anybody person would be stepping out and doing all of these leader like things. Here is the book I am going to be teaching a class on.Photo on 12-17-15 at 2.44 PM


Today I played in photoshop some more. These screenshots showed the process. Im not sure if I like the finished product but I think if I play around some more it might look better. I still think its neat though the new me emerging out of the old me.Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 3.08.11 PM Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 2.27.49 PM Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 3.02.43 PM

Feels like it should be Friday

I am still not feeling up to par. I don’t know if its my BP or the BP meds they put me on but I hope it goes away soon. Today I tried to work on the design for CR it didn’t go over good. Im thinking about just telling them I can’t do it. This afternoon I played in PhotoShop. I took a screenshot of what I am trying to do and then a screenshot of what I started with and what I’ve gotten done. Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 2.56.54 PM (2) Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 2.56.11 PM Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 2.53.53 PMTomorrow I will finish this. Im not really sure why I wanted to learn this but I thought it would be neat to learn.